Wedding Trip to Maine

September 21st, 2009

My dear friend Jess was married on Saturday to her high school sweetheart in a stunning place in Maine, high above the water with panoramic views. She was a gorgeous bride as I knew she would be, and the wedding was full of good food and fun. I danced and talked and caught up with old friends. And I played a lot with my favorite little 4-year old boy!

The trip from Vermont to Maine was long, with a 4-year old and a 7-month old. But I loved being part of a family for the weekend! And the truth is, I just really love children, and especially these little ones. So while tiring, it was a completely fun time! If only Juanjo had been there with us…

The scenery was boats and farmhouses most of the way, with some mountains and small towns scattered throughout. Both VT and Maine have huge rural areas, and we were driving through particularly rural parts of the states. Luckily on the way home we stopped a lot and the kids played. We got ice cream too, and walked around Portland, Maine.

Now we are back in VT until Friday. I promise a post soon with pictures from the lovely time I’m having here now!

Thank you!

September 7th, 2009

For my birthday Juanjo planned a surprise day in Madrid that included a visit to the Prado Museum (to the permanent collections, including Goya and Velazquez; Sorolla was sold out). Then we had lunch, walked around, tried to get tickets to a ballet, and ended up seeing a play. We stayed in Madrid until about 1 and it was the first time I really loved Madrid. So many people out, walking around, kids playing, outdoor cafes full, warm air with a slight breeze. It was beautiful!

Then on my real birthday yesterday we had a special family lunch, including a delicious fish that Juanjo’s Mom made. I talked to lots of people and spent time with my wonderful husband. Looking ahead, this year is going to be a big one for both of us. Having my birthday at the beginning and Juanjo’s near the end (April 2nd) feels like bookends to a collection of adventures just the two of us before we settle down.

Thank you to everyone for the birthday calls and good wishes!