
June 25th, 2006

I hate stereotyping. Really, I do. Even if I know myself to indulge in it way too often.

And, exactly what is one supposed to do, when the stereotype rings so true*? [New York Magazine]

(*) Everything but the expensive jeans and kids bit, that is.

Summer Updates

June 21st, 2006

Happy first day of summer! A quick list of what’s new for us:

  • We found a new house! It’s a loft too, a little bigger, slightly nicer view, at Valencia and 17th in the Mission. We’ll be in the heart of one of the greatest neighborhoods in SF, near tons of excellent restaurants (can’t wait for friends to visit so we can go out together!), and 3 blocks from the beautiful Mission-Dolores park. We move in in mid-July. We’ll post pictures soon.
  • On the road again! I’m going to India tomorrow. Saturday I go to the Taj Mahal with a colleague and then I’ll be in New Delhi for a week. My first time in Asia! Provided I have internet access (which I think I will), I’ll post from the road.
  • Two days after I get back from India we go to San Diego (on the 4th of July!) for the National Educational Computing Conference. We’re both exhibitors, him with his work and me with mine. It still tickles me that Juanjo is from a completely techie, non-education background and I’m from a completely non-techie, education background and we currently meet in the middle professionally in technology in education.

More soon.

Un barrio en evolución

May 28th, 2006

Vivimos en un barrio en plena evolución, eso esta claro. Sigue teniendo ese tinte industrial que le dan los negocios de reparación de lunas de coche y las naves de almacén. Pero entre ellas se están erigiendo edificios residenciales. El parque de béisbol (mejor llamarlo Mays Field) ha cambiado las cosas, seguro, pero como no estábamos aquí antes no sabemos decir cómo.

Este es un artículo (en Inglés) que habla de las decisiones que entran en la renovación de edificios como los que se encuentran justo al otro lado de la calle: SAN FRANCISCO / A mere veneer of history / There’s an art to converting an old building while keeping its soul. Te hace pensar en lo que consideramos urbanismo, en quién decide lo que se construye, dónde y cómo.

A propósito, el 8 de Julio se inaugura la biblioteca del barrio. Lo dicho, en evolución …

A developing neighborhood

May 28th, 2006

We live in a developing neighborhood, that’s for sure. It still feels industrial, with auto glass repair shops and large warehouses that stand curiously watching residences come up around them. The ballpark (Mays Field, please) has made things different, I am sure, but we weren’t here before to judge what that change amounted to.
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New Teeth vs. Old Teeth

December 27th, 2005

New Teeth

Yippee! After 10 years with the old ones, having every picture bother me, my vain self is thrilled to have new teeth!

Old Teeth

Yep-they were ugly!